Hydrofluoric acid is an inorganic acid that is ubiquitous in many industries such as electronics/semiconductor manufacturing, oil refineries, electroplating, rock/mineral analysis. It synthesizes fluorine-containing compounds such as Teflon arrests fermentation in brewing, and etches glass. Sixty percent of hydrofluoric acid is used to manufacture refrigerants such as Freon.
Several household products contain dilute hydrofluoric acid as well, including: aerosol propellants, fire extinguishers, home rust removers, fluorescent lights, and automobile mag/wire wheel cleaners. Consumers can purchase hydrofluoric acid-containing products in stores and via the Internet, but consumer product labels may not specify the injuries caused by hydrofluoric acid exposure and the need for immediate treatment when exposure occurs. Because consumers do not recognize the danger of hydrofluoric acid-containing products, they may not wear protective equipment as specified on the labels.
The severity and onset of symptoms related to hydrofluoric acid exposure vary according to the concentration and volume of hydrofluoric acid, the length of exposure, the exposure route, the penetrability of exposed tissue, the body surface area exposed, and the extent to which preventive/protective measures were used. For example, severe burns, systemic toxicity, and life threatening electrolyte imbalances may occur with the following hydrofluoric acid concentrations and body surface areas.
Male patients, aged 34. For "Inhalation of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid, 12 h, dyspnea 9 h" on March 29, 2015 emergency hospital. Patients in the 12 h prior to inhalation of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid gas, a slight cough, no sputum, untreated. 9 h before the sudden difficulty in breathing, chest tightness, fatigue, fever (highest temperature 38.3 ℃), nausea, retching, intermittent convulsions, no hemoptysis, chest pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, at a local hospital after "dexamethasone sodium phosphate and methylprednisolone "and other symptom-free remission after treatment, chest X-ray showed diffuse lung disease.